Review your current materials with Heidi so that you can identify your blind spots and make a plan to lure acting work to you.

Using Heidi’s mini e-book “How to Lure Reps & Casting Directors to You” as guidance, you’ll put her tips into action by honestly assessing your acting materials. She will lend an expert eye to your materials and offer personalized feedback on how to refine and revamp your pitch to be hired to act!

Class size: Limited to 8 students
Prerequisites: Open to all
Location: Online
*Accepting PayPal, Pay Later, and Credit Card

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Thurs, Sept 26th
7:00-10:00pm EST
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Class content

In this pop-up workshop, each actor will get the chance to do a review of their materials with me. You’ll also get a chance to observe how other actors are sourcing and assessing their materials. You’ll walk away with sharper insight into how one goes about aligning their materials to their personal pitch as an actor.

Think of this as a “recalibration.” The goal is to sharpen your understanding of what your materials are conveying about you as an actor. Through focused and concise review, you’ll be guided towards how to develop your own creative, strategic thinking about pitching yourself.

You’ll get a link to my free mini e-book, “How to Lure Reps & Casting Directors to You.” After you’ve read it, you’ll gather materials that you want feedback on, such as your photos, resume, website, online profiles, reel, or portfolio channel. You can also request guidance on your relationship with your rep.

I’ll request the following from you before our class:

  • Link to self-tape portfolio channel or reel/clips
  • Your Actors Access profile link
  • Optional: link to your Instagram page

About Heidi

Heidi Marshall

ACTING COACH: Heidi’s career has spanned over 25 years and includes time as the lead Casting Director at Telsey+CO for the Broadway musical RENT, as well as for 70+ projects in theater, film, television, commercial, and voiceover. She’s coached countless actors into roles for Film, TV, and Theater. Most recently, she coached and prepped Halle Bailey for her audition and screen test for Disney’s upcoming The Little Mermaid. Heidi’s active filmmaker career informs her director’s eye and influences her aesthetic for working with actors. 

For full acting coach bio, click here. For filmmaker portfolio, click here.


Watch Interview


Laine Berry Miller


I loved it. It was great hearing an “onlooker’s” opinion. I get tunnel vision!

Gea Rose Henry


Everything Heidi said in class stuck with me! I have used her tools since then to market myself better and organize/solidify my materials. It definitely helped me redirect to using any opportunity I can in this business to share my websites, which I was not thinking about. It gave me confidence that I could be seen as strong enough to lead a film to any potential casting director

Studio guarantee

Full disclosure — please note that we do not guarantee that actors in our online or in-person acting classes will be hired for any project that we might direct, produce, or cast. We teach and coach because we enjoy supporting and nurturing actors as you develop your personal process for auditioning, working and creating your own work.